Breathing exercise for Covid – 6 second exercise

It is a simple prescription for our breathing exercise for Covid, which is no different than what we have been preaching since we wrote the book.. Spend just 5 minutes practicing our Six Second Breath exercise (see video below) every day, and find a way to remind yourself to take 2-3 slow deep breaths as many times a day as you can. It helps to use reminders – an hourly nudge in your phone, a note on the bathroom mirror or refrigerator door, or perhaps every time you hear your favorite song. Whatever your reminder, spend 5 minutes practicing this breathing exercise.

Give yourself this powerful breathing exercise present several times a day and see how it will make you happier and healthier all year long!

Full belly breathing helps immune system

Just like an engine, our bodies need good, clean air. Full belly breathing like this breathing exercise for Covid, also known as diaphragmatic breathing, helps facilitate more oxygen into your lungs and throughout your body.  It’s the best value for your money to stave off infectious diseases.

Breathing exercise for Covid that will make sure you increase your oxygen intake.